
Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen Competition

Peelbergen Equestrian Centre Travers 5, Kronenberg, Limburg, Nederland

Peelbergen competition is a mutual practice for horses! – Class BB t/m 1.40 m – Flexible jumping – High prize money – For amateurs and professionals – No KNHS license or event license – for Dutch and foreign participants The Peelbergen competition is for everyone. So quickly join our club! Sign up via Free entrance!

Jumping Indoor Leunen

Every year Rijvereniging Ons Genot organizes a jumping competition for horse and pony riders, called Jumping Indoor Leunen. On Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 January 2020, Jumping Indoor Leunen will take place at the Equestrian Center de Peelbergen in Kronenberg. A great competition with a well-filled prize pool that you are used to from us! You can register via Here, the starting lists and the results are also published. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest news about Jumping Indoor Leunen.

Peelbergen Competition

The Peelbergen competition is a mutual jumping competition that takes place almost every week at Equestrian Center de Peelbergen. The Peelbergen competition is open to all nationalities, this can also be seen in our field of participants. To participate in these competitions you must be a member of our association. Anyone can become a member, the membership is valid for one calendar year. By becoming a member of our association you also automatically become a member of the KNHS. It is not necessary to be in possession of a starting pass to participate in our Peelbergen competition. You only need a start pass for KNHS competitions for promotion points. In short The Peelbergen competition is for everyone, so quickly become a member! Registration is possible via The starting lists are published on the day before the competition. You can mail questions / changes / cancellations to